Best Assisted Living Facilities in Rock Falls, IL
Find local assisted living and retirement communities in the Rock Falls, IL area.
If you're considering senior living options in Rock Falls, Illinois, you'll find a welcoming community with choices to meet varying needs. There is one senior living facility directly within Rock Falls, with an additional five available in the surrounding area. Seniors make up approximately 39.2% of the population here, reflecting a significant need for quality senior living and care options. While specific cost details aren't provided, Illinois offers a wide array of options to fit diverse preferences. Continue reading to discover more about the best senior living opportunities around Rock Falls, including accommodations recognized for their excellent services, amenities, and overall value.
- Sterling, IL
- Morrison, IL
- Adult Day Services
- Assisted Living
- Home Care
- Independent Living
- Memory Care
- Nursing Home
- Residential Care Home
- Senior Apartments
- Distance from City Center
- Highest Rating
- Name: A - Z
- Name: Z - A
Heritage Woods of Sterling
2205 Oak Grove Ave, Sterling, IL 61081 (2.7 mi from city center)Heritage Woods of Sterling is a senior living community offering supportive living and memory care services.
Morningside of Sterling
2705 Avenue E, Sterling, IL 61081 (3 mi from city center)Morningside of Sterling is a senior living community offering assisted living and memory care in Sterling, IL.
Rock River Gardens
3601 16th Ave, Sterling, IL 61081 (3.5 mi from city center)Rock River Gardens is a 70-bed intermediate care facility for persons affected by mental illness.
Resthave Home
408 Maple Ave, Morrison, IL 61270 (13.8 mi from city center)Resthave Nursing and Rehabilitation is a non-profit facility that offers Assisted Living, Nursing Care, and Skilled Rehab.
Map of Assisted Living in Rock Falls
Find the right senior living community by location- Rock Falls Living Ctr
- Heritage Woods of Sterling
- Morningside of Sterling
- Rock River Gardens
- Resthave Home
Senior Living Statistics for Rock Falls, Illinois
Senior Living Availability in Rock Falls
Rock Falls, Illinois, residents have 1 senior living facility to choose from. In the surrounding area, there are 5 communities, and the state offers a total of 913 facilities. This provides a range of options for various lifestyles and needs.
Rock Falls
Surrounding Area
Rock Falls Senior Demographics
In Rock Falls, Illinois, seniors make up about 39.2% of the population, totaling 8,904 people. This breaks down into age groups of 12.1% in their 50s, 16.1% in their 60s, 5.9% in their 70s, and 5.1% who are 80 and over. Gender distribution leans slightly towards females, with 52% of the population compared to 48% males. The city's diversity reflects 83.4% identifying as White, 22.1% as Hispanic, 12.1% as mixed race, and smaller percentages such as 0.4% Black, 0.2% Asian, and 0.3% Native American, with 3.7% identifying as other. Marital status among seniors shows 36.3% are married, 19.4% divorced, 36.9% never married, and 7.3% widowed, illustrating a rich variety of personal histories and life stages in the community.
Rock Falls has a population of 8,904.- 48% Male
- 52% Female
Marital Status
- 36.3% Married
- 19.4% Divorced
- 36.9% Never Married
- 7.3% Widowed
Seniors make up about 39.2% of the population.- 12.1% in their 50s
- 16.1% in their 60s
- 5.9% in their 70s
- 5.1% in their 80s
- 83.4% White
- 0.4% Black
- 0.2% Asian
- 0.3% Native
- 3.7% Identifying as Other
- 12.1% Mixed Race
- 22.1% Hispanic
Additional Cities with Assisted Living Near Rock Falls
There are a couple of nearby cities with senior living options close to Rock Falls, Illinois. Average costs range from $4,242 per month in Morrison to $4,273 in Sterling. Both cities offer different amenities and services for various preferences and needs.