Best Assisted Living Facilities in Lewiston, MN
Find local assisted living and retirement communities in the Lewiston, MN area.
Lewiston, Minnesota, offers one senior living facility within the town and six more in the surrounding areas, covering a range of options from independent living to nursing homes and memory care. With seniors comprising approximately 32.5% of the population, there's a significant demand for high-quality care. Recognizing the importance of finding the right fit, this article will delve into the top senior living facilities in and around Lewiston, helping you find the perfect place for your loved one to enjoy their golden years.
- Winona, MN
- ,
- Adult Day Services
- Assisted Living
- Home Care
- Independent Living
- Memory Care
- Nursing Home
- Residential Care Home
- Senior Apartments
- Distance from City Center
- Highest Rating
- Name: A - Z
- Name: Z - A
Lewiston Senior Living
505 E Main St, Lewiston, MN 55952 (0.4 mi from city center)Lewiston Senior Living is a supportive assisted living community in Lewiston, MN.
Callista Court
1455 W Broadway St, Winona, MN 55987 (10.8 mi from city center)Callista Court is a senior living facility offering assisted living and memory care services in Winona, MN.
Watkins Home
175 E Wabasha St, Winona, MN 55987 (12.4 mi from city center)Senior Living at Watkins is a beautiful, welcoming and comfortable assisted living community for adults age 55 and better, featuring supportive services and amenities to meet each individual’s needs.
Roger Metz Manor
875 Mankato Ave, Winona, MN 55987 (12.6 mi from city center)Roger Metz Manor is an assisted living residence for those needing memory care, located on the Winona Health campus.
Sugar Loaf Senior Living
765 Menard Rd, Winona, MN 55987 (12.9 mi from city center)Sugar Loaf Senior Living offers assisted living, memory care, and independent living services in Winona, MN.
Brookdale Winona
835 East Belleview Street, Winona, MN 55987 (13 mi from city center)Brookdale Winona provides assisted living residents with lifestyles, housing, and services in comfortable surroundings combined with exceptional amenities, programs, and care.
Map of Assisted Living in Lewiston
Find the right senior living community by location- Lewiston Senior Living
- Callista Court
- Watkins Home
- Roger Metz Manor
- Sugar Loaf Senior Living
- Brookdale Winona
Senior Living Statistics for Lewiston, Minnesota
Senior Living Availability in Lewiston
Lewiston, Minnesota, offers 1 of the 591 senior living communities in the state. If you decide to extend your search to the surrounding area, there are 6 facilities nearby.
Surrounding Area
Lewiston Senior Demographics
In Lewiston, Minnesota, seniors make up about 32.5% of the town's total population of 1,768 as of 2023. Within this senior population, 13.7% are in their 50s, 9.3% are in their 60s, 7.5% are in their 70s, and 2% are aged 80 and above. The city leans slightly more male with 54.1% men compared to 45.9% women. Regarding marital status, a notable 55.7% of residents are married, 8.3% are divorced, 33.5% have never married, and 2.6% are widowed. In terms of diversity, Lewiston is mostly White at 88.3%, with 9% Hispanic, 1% Black, and 0.5% Asian. Additionally, 7.8% of the population is mixed race and 2.4% identify as other, adding layers to the community's diverse profile.
Lewiston has a population of 1,768.- 54.1% Male
- 45.9% Female
Marital Status
- 55.7% Married
- 8.3% Divorced
- 33.5% Never Married
- 2.6% Widowed
Seniors make up about 32.5% of the population.- 13.7% in their 50s
- 9.3% in their 60s
- 7.5% in their 70s
- 2% in their 80s
- 88.3% White
- 1% Black
- 0.5% Asian
- 2.4% Identifying as Other
- 7.8% Mixed Race
- 9% Hispanic
Additional Cities with Assisted Living Near Lewiston
The most affordable senior living options near Lewiston, Minnesota, are found in Winona, where the average cost is $4,885 per month. While options are limited, this neighboring city provides various amenities and services for seniors seeking quality housing arrangements.