Best Assisted Living Facilities in Dickinson, ND

Find local assisted living and retirement communities in the Dickinson, ND area.

If you're exploring senior living in Dickinson, North Dakota, you'll find essential information about care, costs, and amenities right here. With four senior living facilities in Dickinson and an additional five in the surrounding area, there's a good variety of options ranging from independent living and assisted living to memory care and nursing homes. The average cost for assisted living is on the higher side at $5,661 per month, which reflects the area's dedication to comprehensive senior care. In this article, we've highlighted some of the best assisted living options in Dickinson, aiming to help you make an informed choice for the right care setting for you or a loved one.

5 Communities were found near Dickinson, ND
Edgewood Dickinson, LLC
Our Rating:
of 5

Edgewood Dickinson, LLC

1266 Signal Butte, Dickinson, ND 58601 (0.7 mi from city center)
Assisted Living Independent Living

Edgewood Dickinson, LLC is an assisted living community located in the heart of Dickinson, ND, offering studio apartments that cater to the needs of individuals seeking independent living.

View All Amenities See Available Rooms
Our Rating:
of 5
Housekeeping services
Dining room
Art classes
Resident parking
Guest parking
Laundry services
Social and common areas
Transportation services
Studio - Starting at $2,450 per month
Shared Bedroom - Starting at $4,592 per month
Pioneer/Peaceful Havens Apts
Our Rating:
of 5

Pioneer/Peaceful Havens Apts

1043 Enterprise Ave, Dickinson, ND 58601 (0.8 mi from city center)
Senior Apartments

Pioneer Peaceful Haven is a senior apartment community for those 55 years and older, offering HUD and Tax Credit apartments.

View All Amenities See Available Rooms
Our Rating:
of 5
Outdoor areas
Resident parking
Guest parking
Laundry services
Social and common areas
Studio - Request A Quote For Details
One Bedroom - Starting at $728 per month
Two Bedroom - Request A Quote For Details
Our Rating:
of 5


2143 6th Ave W, Dickinson, ND 58601 (1 mi from city center)
Assisted Living

Evergreen-Dickinson is an assisted living community located in a welcoming residential neighborhood, offering a proactive and compassionate care team, various amenities, and daily care services.

View All Amenities See Available Rooms
Our Rating:
of 5
Housekeeping services
Concierge services
Dining room
Fitness center and classes
Beauty salon/Barber shop
Technology center
Outdoor areas
Laundry services
Social and common areas
Transportation services
Studio - Starting at $4,650 per month
One Bedroom - Request A Quote For Details
CountryHouse Residence for Memory Care at Dickinson
Our Rating:
of 5

CountryHouse Residence for Memory Care at Dickinson

628 24th St W., Dickinson, ND 58601 (1.1 mi from city center)
Memory Care

CountryHouse Residence for Memory Care in Dickinson, North Dakota, is a premiere home for seniors with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

View All Amenities See Available Rooms
Our Rating:
of 5
Housekeeping services
Dining room
Social and common areas
Transportation services
Studio - Request A Quote For Details
Shared Bedroom - Request A Quote For Details
Home Instead - Killdeer, ND
Our Rating:
of 5

Home Instead - Killdeer, ND

880 27th Ave SE, Killdeer, ND 58640 (32.3 mi from city center)
Home Care

Home Instead of Killdeer, ND, provides in-home senior care services to help aging adults live safely and independently at home.

View All Amenities
Our Rating:
of 5
Housekeeping services
Laundry services
Transportation services

Map of Assisted Living in Dickinson

Find the right senior living community by location
  • Edgewood Dickinson, LLC
  • Pioneer/Peaceful Havens Apts
  • Evergreen-Dickinson
  • CountryHouse Residence for Memory Care at Dickinson
  • Home Instead - Killdeer, ND

Senior Living Statistics for Dickinson, North Dakota

Average Senior Living Costs by Housing Type

With an average cost of $2,338 per month, independent living is the least expensive type of senior housing in Dickinson, North Dakota. Other fairly priced options include assisted living and memory care, both priced at $5,661 per month on average. The most expensive type of senior living in the area is a private room in a nursing home, which costs an average of $6,000 per month. A semi-private room in a nursing home is another option, costing $5,995 per month.
Housing Type Average Monthly Cost
Assisted Living $5,661
Memory Care $5,661
Independent Living $2,338
Nursing Home: Private Room $6,000
Nursing Home: Semi-Private Room $5,995

Average Cost of Assisted Living in Dickinson

Assisted living facilities in Dickinson cost an average of $5,661 per month, which is significantly higher than North Dakota's state average of $3,842 per month and the nationwide average of $4,546 per month. On the other hand, Dickinson's pricing aligns with the nearby city of South Heart, while Glen Ullin offers a more affordable option at $4,876 per month.
City Average Monthly Cost
Dickinson $5,661
Glen Ullin $4,876
South Heart $5,661

Here is how the average cost of assisted living in Dickinson compares to North Dakota and the national average:
Area Average Monthly Cost
Dickinson $5,661
North Dakota $3,842
United States $4,546

Senior Living Availability in Dickinson

Dickinson, North Dakota, is home to 4 of the 62 senior living communities in the state. If you expand your search to cities that surround Dickinson, there are 5 facilities to choose from.



Surrounding Area


North Dakota

Dickinson Senior Demographics

In Dickinson, North Dakota, seniors represent 28.5% of the total population of 25,116, a notable segment with 11.4% in their 50s, 8.6% in their 60s, 4% in their 70s, and 4.5% aged 80 and over. The population leans slightly towards males at 52.1%, with females making up 47.9%. Marital status trends show that 51.8% of Dickinson's residents are married, 11.1% are divorced, 30.6% have never married, and 6.5% are widowed. Dickinson's population is predominantly White at 86.4%, with 3.7% of residents being mixed race, 7.5% Hispanic, 3% Black, and smaller percentages identifying as Asian, Native American, Pacific, and other, showing a community that, while primarily homogeneous, includes a variety of cultural backgrounds.


Dickinson has a population of 25,116.
  • 52.1% Male
  • 47.9% Female

Marital Status

  • 51.8% Married
  • 11.1% Divorced
  • 30.6% Never Married
  • 6.5% Widowed


Seniors make up about 28.5% of the population.
  • 11.4% in their 50s
  • 8.6% in their 60s
  • 4% in their 70s
  • 4.5% in their 80s


  • 86.4% White
  • 3% Black
  • 1.5% Asian
  • 1.3% Native
  • 0.6% Pacific
  • 3.5% Identifying as Other
  • 3.7% Mixed Race
  • 7.5% Hispanic

Senior Living Ratings Methodology

Our experts spent over 50 hours researching the best communities in each city, focusing on these key factors.

Senior Living Ratings Methodology

Available Care

We value communities that offer more than standard living services, such as memory care and independent living. We think this is beneficial for older adults, as it allows a community to meet your changing needs over time.


Amenities can help an assisted living community feel like a luxury resort or a home away from home. Our research focuses on communities that offer extra perks and benefits for seniors to enjoy.


Location can be important. Since many seniors like to have certain comforts nearby, we look at communities close to parks, shopping areas, hospitals, museums, and other practical or entertaining points of interest.


We read through dozens of reviews for every single contender and include a summary of our findings. In most cases, we see common themes regarding positive and negative feedback about each community. Just remember not to take individual reviews at face value.


Assisted living costs vary greatly based on the facility and level of care. We considered communities that are suitable for various budgets and offer solid value. All prices listed are from community websites.