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Jason Milz

Medicare and Social Security Expert


  • Owner of Medicare insurance agency Milz Health Group for 25 years
  • Managing Partner, PCF Senior Benefits
  • Top Insurance Agency in Milwaukee 2021 – Expertise.com
  • Chartered Benefit Consultant (CBC)
  • Registered Social Security Analyst (RSSA)
  • National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) Member
  • Corporate National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals (NABIP) Member

Having spent the last 25 years of his career as the owner of a Medicare insurance agency, Jason has made it his mission to help individuals and families who are nearing retirement obtain the benefits they have spent their entire working lives paying for via taxes. The U.S. government has made Social Security and Medicare extremely complicated and in light of this fact, many individuals enter retirement without a clear understanding of the options available to them. This lack of understanding can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses and lost income over a lifetime with just one wrong decision.

His goal since the beginning has always been the same: use the latest technology to deliver high-quality, easy-to-understand solutions that help his clients maximize their benefits as they enter retirement. That task hasn't always been easy. However, the personalized, client-first approach has earned him the trust of 3,000+ satisfied clients and counting over the last 25 years. If you're confused, have a special circumstance, or simply want to know you are making the right decisions, Jason can provide a Social Security and Medicare Optimization Roadmap so you can spend more time enjoying your retirement.