What Is Respite Care?

Respite care gives primary caregivers a temporary break from their duties to help prevent burnout and maintain quality care.

Taylor Shuman Taylor Shuman Senior Tech Expert & Editor
Matthew Clem Matthew Clem Registered Nurse

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While being a caregiver is important and worthwhile, it’s also exhausting. If you’re feeling burnt out or just wish you had a day off on occasion, it may be time to consider respite care. Respite care is temporary relief available to caregivers that takes place inside or outside of the home. Below, we’ll cover respite care in-depth, breaking down the different types, the cost, and how to decide if you need it.

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What Is Respite Care?

Respite care exists to give primary caregivers like you a temporary break from your duties. It might be for a couple of hours a day, once a week, a few times a month, or entire weeks while you take a much-needed vacation. Seniors can receive respite care in their home, at an adult day center, or in a healthcare facility.1

Did You Know?

Did You Know? Getting adequate sleep and rest can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease, and even help you think more clearly when you return to work.2

Family caregivers are dedicated to making their loved one’s lives easier, safer, and more enjoyable. It often happens at the expense of their own personal care, mental health, career, and social relationships. Respite care is designed to prevent caregiver burnout so you can continue caring for your mom, dad, or other loved ones healthily.


What Services Does Respite Care Provide?

Respite care providers offer several services, all designed to keep your loved one safe and comfortable while you’re taking care of yourself. It can include as much or as little care as needed at various times of the day and as frequently as desired. This flexibility helps caregivers maintain the best care for their loved ones without sacrificing their mental health.

Common respite care services offered include:

  • Help with activities of daily living (ADLs) like bathing, grooming, and dressing
  • Meal preparation, cooking, feeding
  • Companionship and socialization
  • Medical, nursing, and dementia care
  • Medication management
  • Navigation of health care and social services
  • Light housekeeping
  • Supervision of activities and outings
  • Transportation, errands
  • Financial care in the form of paying bills

The Different Types of Respite Care

In-Home Respite Care

You might be wondering if respite care can be done at home, and the answer is yes! A home health agency, volunteer, or trusted relative or friend can provide in-home respite care services. The frequency depends entirely on the needs of the senior and the primary caregiver. Sometimes, it takes place overnight, during the week while you work, or just for a few hours here and there.

In-home respite care services and providers include:

  • Personal care: Help with ADLs like dressing, grooming, bathing, toileting, and feeding.
  • Homemaker services: Meal prep, shopping, transportation, housekeeping, and basic home maintenance.
  • Home health aides or private duty nurses: Monitor vital signs, administer medications, and assist with mobility and lateral transfers.
  • Companions: Spend time with your loved one.

Out-of-Home Respite Care

Also called group respite care, out-of-home respite care gives your loved one a chance to leave the house. It’s a great option if you’re a live-in caregiver so you can truly get a break. It also gives your loved one a chance to socialize with peers, which has more benefits than you may realize. Older adults with active social lives may experience slower memory decline rates3 and report feeling happier than their peers.4

Options for out-of-home respite care include:

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Which Type of Respite Care Is Right for My Loved One?

You might already have a preference for one of the care options we’ve shared. You might also see how each option could be beneficial at different times. Below is a list of which types of seniors benefit most from each type of care to help you decide.

In-home respite care is best for seniors who… Out-of-home respite care is best for seniors who…
  • Feel most comfortable in their own home
  • Have limited mobility
  • Are easily disoriented by new surroundings
  • Want one-on-one care
  • Share a living space with their caregiver
  • Feel isolated, depressed, or lonely
  • Need a place to stay during a home remodel
  • Enjoy group activities
  • Want to save money with adult day programs

Specialized Respite Care

If your loved one has a disease, such as Alzheimer’s or cancer, or is recovering from a stroke, there are options for respite care tailored specifically to their needs. We’ll take a closer look below.

Respite Care for Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease

Taking care of someone with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia 24 hours per day, seven days per week, is draining. Regardless of the stage or advancement of the disease, respite care benefits both the patient and the family.

Did You Know?

Did You Know? In a 2020 study conducted by AARP, roughly 40 percent of caregivers reported feeling emotionally stressed.5

In-home or a short stay in a care facility can be feasible respite care options for seniors with Alzheimer’s or dementia. There are day programs that offer a safe and secure location in a controlled environment. You can also find the same level of care for in-home options. Care can come from a home care provider with licensed nursing services or home care workers, such as a home health aide. Shift times can vary too and are arranged to fit the family’s schedule.

Respite Care for Strokes

The needs of a stroke patient are somewhat specialized. They often require additional help with mobility, such as transferring from the bed to a wheelchair or from a chair to the shower. This care occurs on a 24-hour basis. Some stroke patients also have therapy and exercise as part of their treatment and care. Respite care for stroke patients can vary in intensity and range from mild to very goal-oriented. The difference depends on the patient and the severity of their stroke. For most seniors who have had a stroke and are not institutionalized, you can find specialized respite care from caregivers through a home care provider.

Respite Care for Cancer

Like other forms of respite care, the routine should include a plan of care that addresses the patient’s needs. Cancer is a very large family of diseases, and each patient's care should be specific to their condition. Care of the cancer patient and family is not always just physical, as it can be emotional and mental, too. Issues like grief and anger are common. As such, specialized and trained professionals make the best respite providers for those with cancer.

Who Are the Family Caregivers?

Family caregivers are predominantly women. According to The New York Times, the ones who take on the role are most commonly the partners or daughters of seniors.1 They have stepped up to help their loved ones during their time of need while they are also usually working. Many are in the sandwich generation and are also raising their own children.

The National Council on Aging says that caregivers need to pay attention to their own well-being.2 If you’re caregiving right now, you know that can be challenging when you’re already juggling a lot. But the negative physical, mental, and emotional burdens of your dedication can be detrimental to your health. The everyday stressors that come from being a caregiver can weaken your immune system and lead to conditions like depression, anxiety, and chronic diseases. Therefore, don’t hesitate to look for assistance in the form of respite care.

Do I Need Respite Care?

We believe that most caregivers would benefit from respite care, whether it’s for a few hours or a few weeks. If you’re still unsure, consider the following questions:

  • When was the last time you took a vacation?
  • Do you experience feelings of depression, anxiety, or anger frequently?
  • How often do you spend quality time with your significant other or friends?
  • Are you struggling to keep your household running?
  • Do you and the person you’re caring for often butt heads?
  • Is caregiving interfering with your career?
  • Is your health declining?
  • How much sleep do you get?
  • When was the last time your loved one spent time with their peers or even just time out of the house?
  • Do you put your loved one’s needs ahead of your own? Ahead of your children’s?
  • Are there activities you stopped participating in or hobbies you let go of when you became a primary caregiver?

If you are tired and overwhelmed, you may need help. You may feel frustrated or unable to provide the highest level of care to your loved one. You may begin to feel like you are giving up too much of your life to meet the needs of your loved one. Or, you may simply recognize that you need a day off for yourself.

Whether your needs are immediate due to another obligation or the stresses of daily life, it is always a good idea to seek out respite care whenever it’s available. Remember, respite care is not a luxury, and it’s not something you need to earn. It’s something that can help you better take care of yourself and your loved ones.

How Often Do I Need Respite Care?

So, how often do you need respite care? Start by analyzing both your needs and those of your loved one. Make a weekly diary listing the times and things you most need help with. Do you need free time? Help with transportation? What are your loved one's requirements? Medication management? Mental stimulation? Assistance with eating, walking, and dressing?

Next, consider your schedule and any activities or hobbies you want to make time to do. Maybe you want to rejoin the bowling league on Monday nights and need Sundays off to spend more time with your kids. Or, perhaps you want to transition back to full-time work, so you need care during the day for your mom or dad. Maybe you just want two weeks off in the summer to take a vacation.

Pro Tip:

Pro Tip: If it works for your budget and your family, consider taking advantage of respite care as often as you would take a vacation — if not more often.

Whatever it is you need, talk to your loved one and other family members so that together, you can figure out a respite care plan. Find out what makes your mom or dad feel comfortable. See if there are nights when one of your siblings can take over as a caregiver. Knowing what everyone thinks and how they can contribute will help with making decisions about care and cost.

How Much Does Respite Care Cost?

Since you can use respite care services as little or as often as you’d like, your actual costs for respite care will vary. Let’s take a look at the national median costs to give you an idea of what to expect and how at-home costs compare to out-of-home costs.

The Genworth Cost of Care Survey on National Median Costs of Long-Term Care Services in 2024 found the following estimated national medians.6

Type of care Cost per hour Cost per day Cost per month
Homemaker services (in-home) $30.90 $195 $5,892
Home health aid (in-home) $33.99 $213 $6,481
Adult day health care N/A $98 $2,120
Assisted living facility N/A $181 $5,511

Many people use respite care as an “on and off” situation. You may not need help all of the time. For example, if you just need a day off every other week, you only pay for that time. Service providers – whether those working with a company or those working alone – vary in cost based on the amount of time worked.

Some families pay nothing for respite care because the caregiver stepping in to provide relief is another relative or trusted friend. As you navigate your many respite care options, consider people inside your circle or your loved one’s circle who could step up and help out.

Paying for Respite Care

When figuring out how to pay for respite care, start with free or reduced-cost options. First, look into local volunteer organizations. Can a church or civic group provide volunteers? What about the local college? Are there students who need class credit for these types of services? How about nursing students? Are there any family members with extra time on their hands? Next, look at respite care coverage options:

  • Insurance usually only covers respite care if the care providers are licensed medical professionals such as nurses, dietitians, or other specialists. A long-term care policy usually pays for some services.
  • VA Benefits pay for up to 30 days a year for those who qualify.
  • SSI disability recipients may be eligible for benefits.
  • Medicare pays for up to five days of inpatient respite care at a time on an occasional basis.
  • Medicaid does not pay directly for respite care, but some states have waivers to offset some of the costs.
  • State Agencies have funds that help qualified family members receive payment for respite services.

How Long Can You Have Respite Care?

There isn’t any hard and fast rule about how long you can use respite care services. Generally, overnight stays in a short-term assisted living facility or residential respite care facility last up to a few weeks. It gives caregivers time to spend with their family, go on vacation, take care of their own house, or make needed modifications to their loved one’s home.

Caregivers can use home care services or adult day programs for as long as needed. Maybe you need full-time respite care for a few weeks while you take a long break. Or, you pay for care as needed each month to fill in the gaps when you’re unavailable or need time for yourself.

For many families, price is an obstacle that affects how often and for how long they use respite care services. Talking to your other family members, reviewing your loved one’s finances, and speaking with attorneys or insurance agents can help you figure out your options,7 make a budget, and find affordable senior care in your area.

What Is the Difference Between Hospice and Respite Care?

With so many types of senior care out there, it’s easy to get confused. Let’s take a look at the difference between hospice care and respite care, as these two types of care are often confused.

Hospice care, also called “comfort care,” is end-of-life care suitable for those with a terminal medical condition who have stopped seeking treatment or have a prognosis of six months or fewer.

The goal of hospice care is to maximize someone’s quality of life as they near the end of their life. It involves pain management rather than treatment or medical intervention. Most often, hospice care takes place inside the person’s home so they can spend time with family and be in a familiar setting.

Respite care is a more generalized type of senior care that gives primary caregivers a temporary reprieve from their caregiving duties. It’s not restricted to end-of-life care, but sometimes respite care is needed while a senior is in hospice.

Medicare defines four levels of hospice care, with the fourth being respite care.8 Respite care in this situation (as defined by Medicare) means seniors on hospice can move into a Medicare-approved facility for up to five days of inpatient respite care. This gives the usual caregiver time to regroup.

Why Respite Care Is Important

Caregiving is a rewarding experience, but it’s also overwhelming. It can take a toll on your body and well-being, too. Caregivers experience higher levels of stress, depression, and anxiety than those who aren’t caregivers.9 It doesn’t have to be that way, though.

Respite care temporarily relieves you from your caregiver responsibilities so that you aren’t on call 24/7. If any part of you feels guilty about entrusting someone else with your loved one’s care, know this. Evidence shows that seniors are in better hands when their caregivers take advantage of support services (like respite care), which improve caregiver anxiety, depression, and anger.10 In other words, by using respite care, you’re able to be the best caregiver you can be.

Is There Senior Respite Care Near Me?

There are a variety of respite care facilities and services in most areas. Many times, insurance companies and medical health providers can offer recommendations for these services.

Most areas will have a wide range of respite services available to patients. Take the time to get to know these organizations and the individuals who will be providing care for your loved one. You need to feel confident in the type and level of service they can offer to you. The more information and guidance you receive from these individuals, the better. Respite care services are available as an emergency solution or as a long-term, planned event in most areas. This can give you the support you need no matter the circumstances.

  1. National Institute on Aging. (2021). What Is Respite Care?

  2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2022, Jul 15). Get Enough Sleep.

  3. Gallup. (2021). U.S. Seniors Maintain Happiness Highs With Less Social Time.

  4. Harvard. (2008). Active social life may delay memory loss among U.S. elderly population.

  5. AARP. (2020, May). Caregiving in the U.S..

  6. Genworth. (2021). Cost of Care Survey.

  7. AARP. (2019, Sept 11). Time Off for Family Caregivers Can Be Invaluable.

  8. Medicare.gov. (2021). Hospice Care.

  9. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2023, Jan 6). Caregiving.

  10. Family Caregiver Alliance. (2021). Caregiving.

Written By:
Taylor Shuman
Senior Tech Expert & Editor
As SeniorLiving.org’s tech expert and editor, Taylor has years of experience reviewing products and services for seniors. She is passionate about breaking down stigmas related to seniors and technology. She loves finding innovative ways to teach seniors about products and… Learn More About Taylor Shuman
Reviewed By:
Matthew Clem
Registered Nurse
Matt graduated from Bellarmine University’s School of Nursing and Clinical Sciences in 2011 and began his career in Louisville, Kentucky, as a registered nurse. He quickly realized his passion for the senior population, focusing on the long-term care of chronically… Learn More About Matthew Clem
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